Cape Verde

The Housing Finance Sector data for Cape Verde extends back to 2000. Please click on the Research Center tab above to access data for previous years not shown.

Cape Verde : Statistical Data At-A-Glance
Total population.51 million2014WDI
Urban population (% of total)64.84% of total2014WDI
GDP, current prices (U.S. dollars)1,858 USD (millions)2014WEO
GDP based on PPP per capita GDP (Current international dollar)4,440.95 USD 2013WEO
Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Percent change)-.42%2014WEO
Average bank deposit rate3.48%2014IFS
Lending rate10.52%2013IFS
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year in millions of USD:433.02 USD (millions)2013Banco de Cabo Verde
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year as % of GDP (current)22.15%2013Banco de Cabo Verde
Retail funding (deposits/other)primary2013BCN Bank Annual Report
Wholesale funding: loans from other banks or corporationssecondary2013BCN Bank Annual report
Typical number of days needed for the transfer of title222014WDI