The Housing Finance Sector data for Croatia extends back to 1999. Please click on the Research Center tab above to access data for previous years not shown.
Indicator | Data | Year | Source |
Total population | 4.13 million | 2017 | WDI |
Urban population (% of total) | 56.67% of total | 2017 | WDI |
GDP, current prices (U.S. dollars) | 59,971 USD (millions) | 2018 | WEO |
GDP based on PPP per capita GDP (Current international dollar) | 26,216 USD | 2018 | WEO |
Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Percent change) | 1.3% | 2018 | WEO |
Average bank deposit rate | 1.35% | 2014 | IFS |
Lending rate | 8.58% | 2014 | IFS |
Owner-occupied units | 90.5% of total | 2017 | EuroStat |
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year in millions of USD: | 8,555.42 USD (millions) | 2017 | |
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year as % of GDP (current) | 15.62% | 2017 | CNB |
Typical LTV at origination | 75% | 2017 | HypoStat |
Typical pmt-to-income ratio (HH income) | 33% | 2002 | Economic and Community Revitalization Activity |
Retail funding (deposits/other) | primary | 2017 | |
Wholesale funding: loans from other banks or corporations | secondary | 2017 | |
Typical number of days needed for the transfer of title | 62 | 2017 | WDI |