General Assessment

Main constraints in the development of the housing finance sector  
New developments that will have a major impact on the sector 
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Notes: 1000 bolivianos converted using the end of year rate 6.91 bolivianos/USD
Notes: 11,249 million bolivianos for end of Dec 2011 with an end of year exchange rate of 6.91 Bolivianos/USD
Notes: 647 bolivianos converted using the end of year rate 7.02 bolivianos/USD
Notes: 679.50 bolivianos converted using the end of year rate 7.02 bolivianos/USD
Notes: 815.40 bolivianos converted using the end of year rate 6.99 bolivianos/USD
Notes: 9,010 million bolivianos for end of Dec 2011 with an end of year exchange rate of 6.99 Bolivianos/USD
Notes: Cooperatives and Mutual Savings
Notes: Interest rate caps on social housing (5.5-6.5%), corporate loans (6%), SME loans (6%)
Notes: Max LTV of 100 is reserved for social-interest housing. 80 otherwise
Notes: Max term is reserved for social interest housing. 20 otherwise
Notes: Represents an average of 35,000 units a year, with an estimated half of these units being formal units and the other half supplied through the informal markets.
Notes: Represents an average of 35,000 units a year, with an estimated half of these units being formal units and the other half supplied through the informal markets.
Notes: Superintedency of Banks and Financial Institutions (SBEF) defines the underwriting rules for mortgages.
Notes: US$1,627.93 million total amount of home mortgage loans divided by US$24,604 million total GDP
Notes: US$1,627.93 million total amount of home mortgage loans divided by US$24,604 million total GDP